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Wouldn't that be nice.

Did you know when you choose to obey the Lord that the enemy doesn't just sit still and watch you SHINE?

Wouldn't that be nice.

Nahh- he has an agenda, too. But here's the good news! His agenda doesn't amount up to anthill compared to God's agenda.

When we use the name of Jesus AND resist him, Satan HAS to flee! (read James 4:7)

Resisting him is an action, my friend. It's not just sitting still doing nothing- it's an act.

A few ways we can resist the enemy:

  1. Read the Bible! The Word is our biggest weapon against him + all of his cohorts.

  2. Run to God- when you're in trouble + when you're not. Let the enemy know Who you belong to.

  3. Humble yourself. Recognize that we need God's power to what He has called us to in this life- apart from Him we are nothing.

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