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Why is it that you want to hear from God so badly?

I have an interesting question for you today…

Why is it that you want to hear from God so badly?

Is it because you don’t want to fail?

My friends, we are going to fail- we are going to make mistakes. Sometimes, the biggest lessons that we learn to get where God wants us to be are lessons we learn through failure.

I know! It’s so painful to fail. You feel like a failure when things don’t work out the way you thought or planned, but let me tell you my friend, failure is inevitable.

“Waiting on God” isn’t a calling or ministry- we must continue to move + step out to be used by Him. Will we get it right 100% of the time? No. But God doesn’t require perfection- He requires sacrifice, willingness, + obedience.

We all will miss it from time to time, but we can use those failures as a stepping stone toward bigger things.

We have the ability to learn from past mistakes to make the next opportunity even better!

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