While I was getting my 6-year-old daughter ready for school, she looked up at me and said, “Mommy, I finally know what I want for Christmas.” My heart panicked a little bit because well, it’s December 19th and apparently she’s just now figured out what she wants. She told me about a toy that I haven’t seen but immediately knew I wouldn’t be able to get this year.
Later in the morning, I looked through the list of things I wanted to buy my husband and realized that there wasn’t enough time or money to get all those things. My first reaction to both of these instances was to feel down in the dumps, as they say.
The Holy Spirit quickly reminded me of the truth of Christmas and prompted me to write this blog post.
Were there gifts on the first Christmas? Contrary to the nativity scenes we see, the three wise men who brought gifts to Jesus arrived at the house of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus, not the stable, scholars believe approximately two years after He was born. (see Matthew 2:11).
We do not have record that there were any physical gifts given at the birth of Jesus, but there were definitely spiritual gifts. In the first days of Jesus’ life, the shepherds, Simeon, and the prophet, Anna, gave great praise to God for His birth!
It is not wrong by any means for us to give gifts to one another on Christmas, but it is wrong to feel guilt and shame for not buying numerous or expensive things for our family. This is why Christmas is often stressful for people.
I want so much to teach Aubriana the truth of Christmas, which is why I wrote the 12-Day Advent Cards for Families last year. At the same time, I also want her to get excited about opening presents and receiving from her mommy and daddy and other family members who love her so much.
As humans, we naturally want to give gifts to each other, and that’s a good thing! While Jesus didn’t receive a physical gift when He was born into this world, we did- we received the biggest and best gift we could ever receive, Jesus Himself.
Isn’t it just like Jesus to give us a gift on His birthday. So selfless, so generous.
As I continue writing this blog post today, my heart is absolutely flooded with peace and joy! To know that I am loved in the grandest way possible by the One true God who literally gave over His Son for me- and this is all true for you, too!
I wanted to put my thoughts on paper this morning to show you that the Enemy attacks all of us this time of year in different ways, but we do not have to let him steal the peace and joy of this season from us.
Christmas is a blessing. Christmas is sacred. Christmas is Jesus.
Let’s enjoy being with our church family if you have church this Christmas Eve, enjoy being with your family and/or friends, and celebrate the true reason why this time of year is so very special.
Amen! Jesus is The Greatest Gift of All!