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Total Health is Not Out of Reach

The "me" mentality reproduces quickly. When some look at a person's journey to health they see the person but they don't see the others around them that are being affected.

My dad once told me, "Your decisions affect others- it's rarely just yourself." That has stuck with me for years- it's so true.

Making health a priority in your life will affect those you live with, work with, friends with, go to church with, talk to at your kid's sports practice- every area- for the better! No- they won't all understand why you're doing it at first but after a while, they quit asking why and starting asking how.

I've been on my healthy journey now for 7+ years. It's been a constant in my life through my teaching career, having my daughter, becoming a health coach, and writer. It's one thing that has not changed.

I've done many fitness programs under the umbrella of Beachbody to get to where I am today, and it seems like it just keeps getting better and better.

A person's healthy journey has to be more than physical results, which is why I incorporate the foundation of faith into all of my virtual communities. Yes, I am saying it- Jesus cares about your entire well being- your physical health as well as your mental + emotional health, and spiritual growth.

He cares.

There was a time in my life where I really didn't care. Getting healthy was not a priority, not even close. God spoke a word so clearly into my heart one night, "Cara, how can you do all that I've called you to do if you're unhealthy?"

He didn't mention my size, my weight, or my measurements- He said unhealthy. Of course, the scale and your measuring tape are ways to track your progress but it's about so much more than those things.

This is about long life. This is about your family. This is about your ability to move and live carefree.

Even 7+ years later, talking about health still isn't 100% comfortable for me because I know how I felt in the beginning when I started, which is how others feel that may be reading this right now.

I know it looks impossible. I know you don't have all the answers. I know you have so many questions.

While a person's health journey is personal and there's no one-size fits all method, there are things that everyone can do to improve overall health.

The problem is, we need a plan beyond the essentials:

1) Drink more water.

2) Eat more veggies.

3) Reduce sugar.

Those are great tips, but friend, implementing only these things will not change your overall health. A plan with longevity is necessary!

It's the foundational reason why I partnered with Beachbody in 2015. I knew the results that I saw weren't by chance. What I was experiencing was doable, sustainable, and duplicatable. I knew after I finished my first program that this was the tool that would help so many people to break free from an unhealthy life.

I started small. I started with a 21-day program that helped me gain control over my nutrition and helped me start working out for 30 minutes each day. It was the plan I needed to begin but also to finish.

I felt accomplished after my first 3 weeks. I had failed at so many diets and workouts before, and finally I had something I could do and stick with.

Total health is not out of reach, friend. If this former sugar addict, bread lover, sedentary gal can make the change, I firmly believe so can you.

I run Jesus-centered virtual communities where I write and teach the Word and help people to start a plan for their health that works for them.

If this sounds like what you need, please fill out this form to reach out. I know your best days are ahead!

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