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The One Thing We Need To Do As Parents

My sister shared a post yesterday about how the most important thing you can do for your kids is to share Jesus with them. I loved that post and couldn’t agree more.

When Aubriana was a baby we started reading the Bible to her each day, and I remember someone told my mom that it was the best thing that we could ever do for our daughter.

I hadn’t really thought about it that way- we were reading her the Bible because we love Jesus and we want her to love Him, too. While that’s great, to make a statement to say it was the very best thing I could do for her was incredibly bold.

I wholeheartedly agree with that statement.

As parents, I think we often focus our attention on the things we can buy for our children, the experiences we can create through vacations, and the memories we will make when we all go to Disney World together.

None of those things are bad or wrong, but when we get down to the root of what truly is best for our kids, it’s the things that come for free. They aren’t necessarily easy to do but they do not cost a dime.

A relationship with Jesus costs a lot but not in the form of dollars. Quality time spent with our kids costs not the sacrifice of hard earned money but intentionality and other things being pushed to the side.

When I wrote Building Faith Together, a Devotional for School-aged Kids and Their Loving Parents, I had this very thought in mind about how our kids need to be taught what God says about the issues they are going through at school.

Our kids are at school with other kids, teachers, and staff more than they are at home with us. For several hours a day they are being exposed to different personalities, learning tools, and authorities.

The truth is that God cares about every single thing our kids care about. He knows the fears and worries parents have about school and parenting in general. And, the good news is He has a lot to say about every single one of the problems we encounter.

If you haven’t checked out Building Faith Together, I invite you to do that today. I believe it will be an encouragement to you and your kids and that you will walk away from this book empowered with the truth from God’s Word to deal with all the issues that come up with our school-aged kids and the emotions we go through as parents who want what’s best for them.

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