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Spiritual and Natural Ways to Deal with Anxiety

Anxiety attacks biblical based self-worth.

Isaiah 26:3 tells us, “You keep in perfect peace one whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.”

All of us have struggled with anxiety at some point to some degree- that’s what we have in common. The length of the struggle + the cause of the struggle is different for everyone.

Anxiety is an attack on the mind. It’s where the battle takes place on a daily basis because that’s where the Enemy tries to set up camp. Satan cannot see the future nor does he get any revelation knowledge from God- he can only work with the here and now.

While anxiety is a problem, God’s perfect peace is the solution in the Spirit.

I love how my Pastor talks about how the natural and the supernatural working together is what makes an explosive force for God. It’s not all natural and it’s not all spiritual- we need both working together to live in continued joy and peace in a troubled world.

Spiritually, what we can do to battle anxiety:

Know who you are, and even above that, know Whose you are. You are an extremely rare and valuable soul that both the greatest evil and the greatest good are after.

You have the ability to communicate and have relationship with the Creator of the entire universe. You have a love inside of you that is so strong Jesus died on the cross to save you- there is no greater love than that.

You have power from the Holy Spirit to gain wisdom in any situation.

You have the Word of God you can pick up, read, and study every day to remind you where your help comes from. Romans 12:2 tells us that it’s crucial we renew our minds with God’s Word every day! In the dictionary, renew means to, “become new, fresh, or strong again”. When those attacks come, it depletes energy to resist the Devil- we need to fill back up again with Living Water, which is Jesus, the Word.

As a busy mama, it’s not always possible for me to sit and study the Word for long periods of time in this particular season of life. A way I can renew my mind that doesn’t take a lot of time is to place scripture around my home to remind me of God’s truth about me where I can see it every day and say it out loud!

Naturally, what we can do to battle anxiety:

Get up and move your body. There’s a quote I love that says, “when you move your body, you change your mind”. So much truth in that! God created our bodies for movement, and when we move, our brain releases hormones called endorphins- happy emotions! Although it won’t last all day, it will help you to get your mind right before any situation arises.

Eat well. When we’re feeding our bodies out of emotion instead of feeding for fuel, that can add to the anxiety you’re already feeling. When we’re struck with pain, the first thing we want to do is turn to pleasure to relieve the pain. For some, this can be emotional eating. It can start down the rabbit trail of guilt knowing you should’ve chosen better. There is no perfect way to eat- everyone is different, but there are some basic principles we can all do to fuel up well: water, veggies, fiber, and protein.

Go out with a friend who you can laugh with. Just as the Word says, “A happy heart is good medicine and a joyful mind causes healing, But a broken spirit dries up the bones.” - Proverbs 17:22

I prayed for godly friends because quite honestly, there was a period of time where I wasn’t spending quality time with anyone other than my husband. The Lord corrected me on that and dealt with me about rekindling old friendships and starting new ones. God wants us to have friends that we can talk about life with, encourage and uplift one another, and spend time away with a friend from our regular daily lives.

While the anxiety you face may not disappear overnight, the Bible tells us that the truth will set us free (John 8:31-32) and that means we can believe God’s Word, confess scripture over ourselves and our minds, and we can start doing the things in the natural that we know has been proven to help.

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