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Speak From God's Viewpoint

It's actually easier to speak negative things- why is that? Problems will inevitably arise and when there's difficulty, it's hard to see through to the solution because the problem is what's right in front of us.

Jesus plainly told us in John 16:33 that we WILL have trouble in this world. But He didn't end the verse there- He also said to be encouraged because He has already overcome the world.

When He overcame the world, He overcame all the trials and trouble we would go through on this earth. It doesn't mean they won't happen but it does mean that we have the power and strength through Jesus to make it to the other side!

I need Jesus every day, my friend, don't you? He knows exactly what to do when I don't. He shows me things to come that I otherwise wouldn't have been prepared for. He teaches me through His Word about who I am in Him.

I want to give you a few scriptures today to learn about who you are in Christ! It's the most powerful thing you can do as a believer. Once you know that you know that you know who you are, no one and nothing can take that away from you.

2 Corinthians 5:17

John 1:12

Romans 8:1

Ephesians 4:22-24

Galatians 2:20

Romans 8:9

Ephesians 1:11-14

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