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September Challenge Options


*No Subscriptions required to join this challenge.

Are you a mama struggling with the dreaded mom guilt? Are you having a hard time prioritizing time with Jesus? Do you feel like you've lost your place in the world besides being a mother?

These are real things that SO MANY mamas are dealing with right now. I created the "Reclaim You, Mama Wellness Community" based around a 5-day devotional I wrote about reclaiming who God has called you to be outside of motherhood.

Being a mother is one of the greatest gifts a woman can be given! All too often, mamas get so caught up in the motherhood role that everything else is put on the back-burner. I remember exactly how that felt when my daughter was 3 months old- it's like I had started to forget who I was before I became a mom.

I want to teach you what God taught me about reclaiming, restoring, and reviving the woman He created you to be. Motherhood is huge part of your calling but it isn't who you are.

This program is 6 weeks long. Does this sound like the community for you? Reply “RECLAIM" today to learn more!


*You have the option to purchase the Lift More program but it isn't required to participate in the community. If you have been following along on Instagram, you have seen some sneak peeks of the Lift More program and how it's going for a few friends and me who are doing it right now! This program is all about learning how to lift, gaining strength, and going back to the basics! My friends in my VIP group finished week 4 last week and are loving it SO MUCH! Here are some of the things we are obsessed with… 💪 Simple workouts- this is back-to-basics lifting 💪 Focus on protein and carbs to make sure we have the energy to lift! 💪 Calorie burn that lasts long after the workout is over! Ready for MORE? Let’s finish this summer STRONG! If you want more details on my next Lift More Challenge, reply "LIFT" and I’ll send you all the info!


*Must enroll with a Beachbody on Demand membership or have a current BOD membership to participate in this challenge.

Do you need a buddy to get you through the changes September brings? Whether it’s back-to-school season, schedule shifts, or just the change of the weather that has you feeling overwhelmed, your health is still a priority, and I want to THRIVE and not just survive! This is a month of change and good vibes and I am so excited to invite you to my September “Autumn Skies” Challenge.

For me, September brings our annual women's conference, getting in the swing of things with my daughter's school starting, and this year we have the new furry family member, 12-week old Aurora Bella!

I am excited to build routines that stick through any season, and am committing to falling 🍂 into my best self through commitment, consistency and a wellness revamp! Want to join me?

Here are just a few of the daily themes I’m excited to share with you!

🍂 Leaf It Behind - letting go of something negative to your wellness or mental health,

🍂 Health is Wealth - building a wellness routine outside of your workout,

🍂 Falling into Good Vibes - a weekly reminder to note the good things around you, and

🍂 Make It, Take It - recipes that are great to prep + grab n’ go, all week!In addition to these practical tips, I'll also be sharing from the Word of God each week with you to encourage you in this season.

This challenge is 30 days long. What plans do you have for this September? Can your personal health + wellness be one of them? Reply “SEPTEMBER” today to learn more!

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