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Reflection of Barbie

While some call it conspiracy theory, I call it what it truly is. I am a believer in Jesus, God’s Word, and I use the wisdom He gives to shed light on what’s really going on.

There’s a popular movie out right now called Barbie. Clips and trailers are far as it’s gone for me- I have not seen the movie in its entirety. But, I do not need to have seen it to share what I’m sharing today. This post is not a response to the movie, rather a reflection on what’s happening here, and not so subtly either.

What grabbed my attention to this movie were two things: seeing a handful of Christian leaders posting headlines such as, I wish I hadn’t seen the Barbie movie to dozens of billboards taking on the branding of Barbie to share their products and services.

So, I dug in.

What I briefly heard and read about the movie definitely made me not want to go see it. I have to side rail a minute here to call attention to the parents reading this. With my audience being primarily moms, I know this will be of value.

We have to guard our kids’ eyes and ears. Just like my mama told me as a little girl, your eyes are like a camera and you can’t unsee things. How I wish I had taken her advice when I was free to make my own decisions.

If your kids are still with you (like mine), we have total control over what they watch on TV and on their tablets. Sure, an advertisement may pop up every now and then that we can’t skip over quickly enough but for the most part, we’re in the driver’s seat on this.

There are so many kids’ shows nowadays where homosexuality is represented and celebrated, where violence is commonplace, and the list goes on and on. We can’t be so naive to think these things will have no ill effect on our kids.

The Barbie movie is one such example of an hour and 54 minutes of our kids’ eyes and ears being treated like garbage cans. Now, one might argue that this movie wasn’t made for kids. Out of the three people who live in our home, my 6-year-old is the one who has and plays with Barbie dolls. You just can’t tell me a movie called Barbie wasn’t intended for children.

In fact, the movie starts out with a scene of young girls playing with dolls- just as my daughter does almost every day. The Barbie movie was intended to brainwash children, little girls in particular, to be anti-men. I know that’s a very bold statement, but it’s a statement that I am 100% behind.

There is a lot of history on the Barbie doll that I didn’t know before digging into research about the movie. The more I learned, the more I saw the clear messaging behind the creation of this film.

I won’t go into it here, but Jonthan Cahn has an incredibly insightful video explaining the history of Barbie and how these radical feminism and anti-men messages are clearly represented in the film.

While the Barbie movie is a huge contributor to this messaging, it isn’t the first piece of media or action to degrade men. One might say, there are a lot of bad guys in the world. Yes. There are also a lot of bad girls in the world, too.

I don’t even like using the terms “good and “bad” in association with people because we know by the Word of God that there is one good and one bad: God and the Enemy, and we choose who we serve.

Ephesians 6:12 says, “ For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”

If a person is serving the Enemy, he will look, speak, and act like the Enemy- the opposite should also be true, if a person is serving God, he will look, speak, and act like Jesus. Now, of course, no believer in Christ is perfect. I always tell my daughter, there is only one perfect One and His name is Jesus.

Any kind of propaganda that is pushing the idea that men aren’t needed is completely evil- this is the narrative of the Enemy. Men were created by God to be spiritual leaders. In many cases, women may say that men aren’t leading the home in a godly way, and that they aren’t showing up for their families.

No matter if those things are true, you will catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. We cannot degrade men and expect them to rise up and be who God created them to be.

The answer to this problem is not to try and lower their place. The answer is as with all things: prayer. We need to pray for the men in our lives, to be the intercessor for them, knowing that our prayers are heard by the very One who created them to carry out what you are praying for them to become!

Whether your home has a man present who isn’t leading spiritually or you have a home with no men at all, we need to encourage our kids in what the Word says about men and how God created them: Genesis 2:18, Ephesians 5:23-25, 1 Timothy 2:8, 1 Timothy 3:4, and Proverbs 22:6 as a start.

It’s great to have an earthly father, but father or no father here on earth, we have a Heavenly Father who far exceeds any father we could have here. As believers, we need to teach our kids the way of the Word, not the way of the world.

John 8:31-32 says, “So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

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Sep 09, 2023

Love this declaration of Truth! Felt similarly about this movie. Haven’t seen it either but it’s amazing the clear impact it’s having on our culture. Grateful for a God who calls us to live counter culturally and reveals the tactics of the enemy to us through His Spirit! Praying over our sweet babies and the wisdom we need as parents to protect them.

Cara Gibson
Cara Gibson
Sep 11, 2023
Replying to

Amen!!!! Yes, we absolutely cannot protect them enough and keeping a posture of prayer over them is exactly what we need to do. Thanks so much for reading and sharing your thoughts :-). -Cara

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