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Reclaim You, Mama Wellness Community

The idea for this community came about when I wrote my first 5-day devotional to help us mamas reclaim who God created us to be. It's all too easy to be consumed by motherhood and all the different hats we wear from day to day. Many moms have told me that they feel like they've lost themselves- I know if it hadn't been for a few key things in my life that I would've been the exact same way. Kenneth Copeland spoke an incredible word over this year straight from the heart of the Father, and he said, “In 2022, you’ll know what to do.” I don’t know about you, but that excites me! Uncertainty and muddy waters isn’t fun. It is FREEING to see + know. Wouldn’t you want to know without question what you are to do? In the Reclaim You Mama Wellness Community we are going to dive deep into this very question and explore scripture, encourage prayer, and community Bible study to seek Jesus together. Together is my favorite part! Knowing what to do doesn’t come without 4 things:

  1. Correction

  2. Direction

  3. Protection

  4. Perfection

Let’s take a peek into each one of these here… CORRECTION Just as you correct your children to inspire them to make right decisions, God also corrects us. He is a loving Father and wants nothing but the very BEST for us. Proverbs 3:12 says, “For the Lord corrects those He loves.” Correction never feels good. I bet if I were to walk into Aubriana’s room and asked her if she enjoyed the last time daddy or me corrected her, she’d say no. 😆 I definitely didn’t like it as a kid and you didn’t either! That part still hasn’t changed as now mothers ourselves. It’s hard to give + receive correction, but that doesn’t make it any less valuable to our future. DIRECTION If not now, there will be a time this year where you’ll need direction. What job to take, enter into a new season, or any number of things. It can be easy to make decisions based on our emotions. We’ve all done it and it usually doesn’t turn out well. Our emotions are fleeting and especially as moms, change ALL. THE. TIME. Jesus wants us to use Him as our direction-giver and none other. Proverbs 3:6 says, “He will show you which path to take.” PROTECTION As women, we love two major things: community and security. We want to know and feel protected. God wants to protect us, and He can do that much better when we have received His correction and allowed Him to direct our path. We have a covenant with the Almighty God! Think on that for a minute… He loved us so much that He sent His Son to make a new covenant with us. As covenant partners with God, there are things that we have to do in order to receive certain things. God has everything- more than enough of anything! The Bible is very clear that there are things that we have to do on our side of the covenant that will bring things to pass in our lives. We can pray + pray all day that we’ll be healthy but unless we start eating well + exercising, the praying just isn’t going to work. Psalm 91:1 says, “Those who live in the shelter of the Most High…” and I encourage you to read the whole chapter today and meditate on this amazing passage of protection! PERFECTION Now, perfection is not what you may be thinking. I used to be a perfectionist, and I have zero desire to go back to that life. The kind of perfection we’re talking about is in loving others. 1 John 4:16-17 says, “God is love, and he who dwells and continues in love dwells and continues in God, and God dwells and continues in him. In this [union and communion with Him] love is brought to completion and attains perfection with us…because as He is, so are we in this world.” This means that we are capable of perfect love because of Jesus. We can love our kids perfectly, we can love our spouse perfectly, our friends, our neighbors, our employers. It’s an unconditional love Jesus gives and while we will never “do” everything perfectly, that’s not what it’s about. Jesus never demanded that we be perfect. Rather, we have this perfect love within us that casts out all other things. I would LOVE to work with you in our Reclaim You, Mama Wellness Community! Yes, this is about our physical + mental health but it’s WAY more that. This is about banding together with a group of Christian women who are all on a venture with Jesus to restore, renew, + revive the call of God on their lives. Fitness + nutrition is part of the equation because we just cannot possibly become all God wants us to be without good health. It won’t be hairy scary, I promise! You start where you start, and that is always enough. JOIN THE RECLAIM YOU MAMA WELLNESS COMMUNITY HERE!

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