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Read Me If You're a Parent Who Dreads Back to School

We’re suddenly finding ourselves apart from our kids and we’re hurting. Now, of course, it gets hard in the summertime when you’re constantly on the clock for their every need, but man, it’s so hard not having them just right here with us.

I miss hearing Aubriana upstairs in her playroom while I’m making lunch or folding laundry, or… unpacking boxes (yep, we’re still doing that). I miss the slow mornings when she wakes up with sleepy eyes, messy blonde hair, and stays in her pj’s til 9am. I miss her coming to sit with me while I finish reading my Bible.

A little backstory… we had to abruptly change schools because Aubriana’s school that she’s attended for the past two years had to close its doors. It was more than the closing of a school- it felt like a family member had passed. They excelled in community building and everyone felt like family there.

So, all that to say… the start of this school year was especially hard. I honestly didn’t expect any year to be harder than the first day of Kindergarten, but here we are.

Also, Aubriana didn’t exactly take on the changes without feeling the feels, too. I mean, good heavens, she’s only six years old and there have been major life changes lately!

After experiencing all of this at the end of August, I started mulling around this idea in my spirit and my head… if there are parents out there (their kiddos, too) who feel like I feel right now, what could help us?

So, I jotted down some notes in my iPhone about some tools + resources I could create to help us deal with back to school in a godly way.

Here are a few of those thoughts…

-Devotions for kids about change, making new friends, success in school, etc.

-Devotions for parents about how to pray + declare over our kids, how to use our emotions in a healthy way, etc.

-Prayer cards to take to school or do in the car before or at breakfast.

-Some fun body movement challenges as a family to release these really really hard emotions

Since the beginning of September, I’ve been working on this project and I am very excited (to say the least) to share it with you.

I’ve always said that the best writing happens when you have either gone through it or are going through whatever it is you’re writing about. I find this to also be true for the best sermons.

The Building Faith Together Bundle is now available for pre-order! This bundle includes the Building Faith Together devotional for elementary school kids and their loving parents, prayer cards for kids and prayer cards for parents (we NEED these, parents!), and a family workout page with four different workout categories to try together!

When you pre-order, you’ll receive a sample of the devotional, prayer cards, and workout page and you also have the option to add the printed hard copy version that will be mailed to you.

I created this in real time- meaning, my daughter was struggling with going back to school and I was, too. These things we're dealing with aren't easy, but the Word of God does have answers for us.

In this resource, we are going to look to the natural things we can do and the supernatural. I never want to go a day where I don't seek Heaven. Amen?

I did the first devotion with Aubriana on the 10th day of school. She was upset and crying about just wanting to stay home with me, so I grabbed my phone and told her that I wrote something for her and wanted to read it to her. I told her that it's from God and He wants to help us.

I can't tell you how thankful I was for that devotion and prayer, friend. It's so hard to see your kids sad. Thank the Lord we have His incredible truth to help us get through anything!

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