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Overwhelm is a Choice

When you start something new, it’s exciting!

Then as time goes on, you may begin to focus too much on things that don’t need to be done right now, and far less on what does, and in that process you start to lose sight of why you started in the first place.

The hard truth is this: overwhelm is a choice.

No one can actually make you overwhelmed. You are either deciding to take in too much information without any action or you have too many things going on at once.

Boy- have I been there!

We are ALL tempted to get into overwhelm. When we’re overwhelmed + choose to stay there, we aren’t effective and that’s just where the Enemy would love for us to be.

So, how do we prevent this from happening? Maybe a better question is, what do we do when we’re tempted to be overwhelmed?

The first thing I go to is GRATITUDE. I get my mind right by going to the Father and thanking Him. The fact that I have things going on in my life that are good + exciting, even though they may be the very things that I’m tempted to be overwhelmed about, is reason enough to be grateful.

The next is removing from my mind anything that isn’t essential for today. Just push it away. If it doesn’t HAVE to be done today, it’s okay that it won’t be.

The last is getting out of “should be” land and getting back into “present where I am”.

All of us catch ourselves from time to time thinking about work or the to-do list while our husband is trying to tell us something. Purposing in your mind to be present will help.

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