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I have an addiction story...

While I wasn’t involved in drugs or alcohol, it was an addiction nevertheless.

Sugar had me in its grasp, and I remember for a stretch of time every night I would sit on the couch + eat a piece of cake. Sugar-filled treats were no longer a celebratory thing for me, I partied with them every night!

I always thought I naturally had a sweet tooth + that I just didn’t have the willpower, so I gave in just about every time I wanted something sweet.

OR I would go on a crash diet to make sure that I stayed away from it all together. I was constantly in a ditch on either side of the road.

But what I found after I broke the addiction is that the narrative playing in my head was A LIE.

Sure, it IS true that I do enjoy sweets + still have cravings for something sweet every now + then, but what is also true is that I GREW MY WILLPOWER.

Willpower isn’t God-given gift to some + not to others. It’s just like a muscle- in order to grow, it has to be worked.

I learned so much about food + how to make treats healthier for me when I started my first fitness + nutrition program in 2015.

The knowledge that I’ve gained over the past six years has helped me to NEVER go back to the way I used to be. A simple + sustainable nutrition plan helped me to BREAK the addiction for good.

That’s FREEDOM. You can be free, too.

If sugar addiction is something you struggle with, I’m your girl. Download my Ex-Dieter Random Recipes for the Healthy Foodie eBook for free below.

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