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How long has it been since you’ve allowed yourself to dream?

There are trending reels + Tik Tok’s about how overwhelmed women are- I get it, we do a lot.

We (women) will take care of everyone else around us, even our dog before we take care of ourselves. Much less, sit down with pen + paper and write down a dream or two.

The truth is, God created us to desire, dream, and do.

It’s quite incredible how much this mind + body can really take on- from birthing babies, to getting stronger than before pregnancy, to knowing exactly what to do or say to calm your child the way no one else can.

There’s only One who can equip like that- God himself!

As a mama, you are more than just allowed to have dreams of your own. It’s encouraged by God, in fact. He created you as a person with purpose. He knew the family you’d have, and He even knew that one day you’d find yourself feeling overwhelmed and without a clear vision for your life.

One day, these precious babes are going to grow up. They’ll most likely move away + start families of their own. What we can do now is show them what it’s like to live your dreams with a family.

They can be a part of it. When one in the family is called, the entire family is called.

Don’t let the Enemy slip his lies into your life.

There is no such thing as just a stay-at-home-mom.

Motherhood is a high calling that comes with great sacrifice + great joy.

I encourage you to ask the Lord to give you wisdom on how to pursue your dream. And if you don’t have a dream yet, ask Him to give you one.

After all, He’s the best Creative Director we’ve ever known.

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