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God Thinks You're Wonderful

In the Body of Christ, there is no shortage of critiques in the mirror. Christian women all over the world look at the reflection staring back at them and speak untruth after untruth.

Possible trigger warning, but I believe you'll thank yourself when you read 'til the end.

It's easy to see the physicalities- the under-eye bags, the cellulite, the stretch marks, and extra pounds. What's hard is to look beyond all of that and see what God sees.

This is the part where I quote the ever-popular and widely-used verse in Psalm 139 that talks about how you're fearfully and wonderfully made, right? While I do believe that verse is true and essential to this chapter in the Bible, I'm also extremely aware of how it has been used as a band-aid of sorts to quickly cover up much deeper wounds than what a bandage was made for.

The verse I want to point you to today is after that one. When you read on in Psalm 139, we find verses 17 and 18...

"How precious to me are your thoughts, God!

How vast is the sum of them!

Were I to count them,

they would outnumber the grains of sand-

when I awake, I am still with you."

Read it at least three more times, then meet me back here.

Now, think about how many grains of sand there must be on any given beach. No one in the entire world can count all of it, and God thinks of you- yes, YOU- more times than all of the sand.

We are talking about how much God, the Creator of the entire world- of the whole cosmos- is thinking about you. You, sweet friend, are on His mind all of the time.

I have people in my life that love me, and I'm super thankful for them, but there is no one that thinks of me 24/7. God is the only One who loves me like that.

There is no greater love that you'll ever find than the love of God. It doesn't matter what you've done, how you've treated Him, or what you've said about Him- He still thinks about you the way Psalm 139:17-18 describes.

God thinks you're wonderful.

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