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Every Body, Move Now: March 2022 Faith-Based Fitness Group

Do you need more movement in your days? Do you want to prioritize your fitness and nutrition, but don’t know where to start? Welcome to “Every Body, Move Now”, a 4-week, faith-based virtual community full of movement, music, and making sure you’re celebrating your amazing bodies, every day! Starting a wellness journey does not need to be scary. In fact, I want this group to be educational, interactive, and FUN.

Here are some of the themes I’m sharing this month!🎵

🎶 That’s My Jam! - Drop your favorite songs, music memories and challenge each other to fill in the missing lyric,

🎶 Post-Workout Recipe Remix - What is best to eat/drink after we put in that work? I will share a recipe each week to support you,

🎶 Set Up for Spring - Spring is right around the corner! Each week, I will share one spring cleaning tip to get us moving at home,

🎶 And, finally, a Share Your Soundtrack day to drop your favorite song of the week to add to our “Every Body, Move Now” playlist!

If you need a new, fresh start to commit your fit journey to, this is the time to press play and get moving with us!

To join, all you need to do is FILL OUT THIS FORM with your information + selections and I'll be in touch with your official enrollment.


Does it cost anything to participate?

The group itself is 100% free! However, I’ve tried conducting completely free groups and people simply don’t commit. You know they say there’s a difference between intellectually committing and committing in our hearts. The difference is simply making a sacrifice. So while the group itself is free, in order to participate, you have to invest in what’s called the Total Solution Pack. It’s $160 and with it you gain access to what I consider to be the Netflix of fitness for an entire year! It includes thousands of different workout routines. You also get access to a slew of meal plans as well as our go to meal replacement shake for an entire month. That is what myself + the other girls in the group committed to and that is what we’re holding each other accountable to doing!

How much of a time commitment will this require?

We know life is SO busy. Let me be clear here- none of us in this group are really looking to overhaul our life. We’re just trying to do ONE THING per day that is good for US. The workouts themselves are respectful to your schedule. If you want to workout 20 minutes per day, that’s an option. If you want an intense 60-minute workout, that’s an option, too. I’ll help you get set up with what’s best for you. Outside of that, you would need maybe 5 minutes per day to check in with the group + if you’re interested in meal prepping, you would need another 30 – 60 minutes per week to do that as well.

What’s your role as my coach?

Simple! I’m going to be the best gym buddy you’ve ever had! Lol. I’m going to be showing up for my workout every day and doing my best to make sure you do, too 😊. I’ll be helping you pick the right program for you to start, the right program for you to progress to and help you set / track your goals so that you never lose sight of your progress! OH! And of course I’ll be here to answer any questions you might have!

Is there a monthly / yearly commitment?

Oh no, no! There isn’t a mandatory requirement beyond the upfront investment. You have the OPTION to renew at the end of the year and you have an option to stick to our meal replacement shake or pre/post workout shake monthly. But neither are required! That being said, if you decided you did want to renew, I would show you how to upgrade your membership so that you can get 25% off your renewals!

Can I invite friends to do this with us?

Absolutely! The ONLY thing is if you intended on doing that, I would get you registered with a coach account so that you can benefit from helping people get started with us! You’d earn a 25% commission for everybody you inspire to start with one of our programs!

What if I plan on traveling, can I still do this?

One of the things I love the most about this whole “system” is that it allows you to bring your workouts anywhere! You just need a laptop, a smartphone, or a tablet to get it done! You can plug in from your hotel with a program that requires no equipment, or you can go to the hotel gym and crush any workout you want. I personally travel several times a year, so I love that I can still stay on track with my current program no matter where I go.

I’m pregnant, can I still do this?

Yes!! We have a 42-week pre + postnatal program on the platform. They are safe for any stage of your pregnancy! With that being said, I am required to recommend you talk to a doctor in order to get clearance. Same goes with our meal replacement shake. Though I know many women drinking Shakeology while pregnant and not having any issues (my doctor actually recommended it because it's so nutrient-dense), but it is still something I encourage you to form an opinion on or consult a professional before you decide to drink it. Of course in my biased opinion, what is the worst outcome of feeding your body + your baby a highly nutritious shake? :)

I have joint issues / pain, can I still do this?

Depending on the nature of your injury/condition, I personally believe no impact or low impact exercise is vital to your recovery. There’s a program that is great for joint health and strength that I turn to if my ankles, knees or wrists are acting up. It’s called Barre Blend and it’s a low impact workout developed to improve the overall functionality of your body, including your joints. The trainer is so encouraging as well!

Are the meal plans applicable to special diets (vegan, vegetarian, gluten free).

Yes, 100%. The meal plans are VERY flexible and are mainly based on philosophies rather than a strict “this is what you eat for dinner” type of approach. For example, I followed the meal plans while being vegetarian for nearly 2 months! When it recommended a protein, I turned to a vegan source of protein like Tofu. And, lucky me, Shakeology has vegan options as well! So I was all set! I've also dabbled in Keto diet & other forms of ‘special diets’ and I found that only minor tailoring was required to accommodate my preferences.

I lack in motivation, can I still do this?

You are NOT alone! As a matter of fact, Beachbody conducted a survey that showed 80% of people don’t accomplish their health + fitness goals because they lack accountability, support or motivation. I’ll help you address this in three ways. 1) Help you establish your “Why”; meaning why are your goals so important to you. 2) Help you pick a program that is based off YOUR interests. When something’s fun, you don’t need motivation, right? 3) Check in with you + help you with accountability … so when you do lack motivation, you have somebody to turn to!

If you lack in motivation, I would view that as a reason FOR doing this and not a reason against it.

Can these programs be done from the gym?

Yes, absolutely! I do them from hotel gyms all the time! My friend did his Body Beast program from the free weight section at this local gym! Beyond convenience, the programs also provide pace, structure and a sequence to your workouts… which is great because who gets amazing results free styling at the gym?! You just need to have your smart phone or tablet with you and find a spot in the gym where you can set up and get it done, #noexcuses! 😉

Do I need equipment to participate?

If you have equipment, that’s GREAT! If you don’t, that’s okay too! There are MANY programs that require no equipment that will be made available to you, like Core De Force, Insanity Max 30, Brazil Butt Lift, Turbo Fire & 21 Day Fix. They are all VERY effective and a lot of fun. No equipment required. Some of our Total Solution Packs do include equipment as well, so we can always look at that as an option for you.

How much space do I need?

I do have a garage gym setup now, but in the wintertime, I do my workouts in my bedroom- not a lot of room there. You need just enough space to do a burpee 😉. You can COMFORTABLY do these workouts in a small condo or in a big home gym. Both work amazing!

Do I NEED a program to participate / can I just do my own thing?

You NEED this program, my friend! Our workout + nutrition platform is unmatched and we’ll all be doing it together! That’s the fun of it and that’s how we can all enjoy this whole process! Besides, if I asked you to join and you did your own thing, you would want a program shortly after joining anyway, lol! In all seriousness, I think you’ll love the program and I highly recommend it, especially for this group. If you don’t absolutely fall in love with the process, you’ll be happy to know that there is a 30-day money back guarantee that I would be happy to help you exercise if you felt I misrepresented this whole experience.

Do I NEED Shakeology?

It’s a part of the bundle at a REALLY good price and I think you’ll find it to be an amazing life hack! I hope that you are open to trying it. If you don’t love it, I will help you return it for a full refund, even if your bag is empty. Shakeology is a nutrition shake, so while yes, people have lost weight using it, your nutrition plan will be custom to YOUR goals and Shakeology is an incredible asset to your health regardless.

What is this group all about?

Basically, we’re a group of busy mamas, teachers, healthcare workers, + stay at home mamas just working towards our health + fitness goals together while keeping our eyes on Jesus! We have a private app and we check in with each other every day! We can ALL relate to one another struggles and challenges and we can help each other overcome them! I actually think you would LOVE the girls in our group right now!

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