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Abundance isn't Automatic

Let's look back and reflect when we very first asked for forgiveness from our sins and asked Jesus to be our Lord and Savior- that was a defining moment for you, yes?

Whether it happened a few years ago, when you were young, or even just yesterday, your whole life didn't change when you became a Christian- meaning, all the sinful habits you had in the past and the words you spoke weren't automatically perfect.

Your very soul was saved and you acquired the ability with the Holy Spirit's help to purify your life, but it all didn't happen overnight.

Perfection isn't really the goal, anyway. The goal is to develop such a deep relationship with Jesus that sin is no longer appealing. Sin grieves the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30). I love my husband and I never want to purposefully hurt him, so if there's something that I know brings him pain, I want to stay far away from that. It's the same way with God- when we truly love Him and know Him, we want to steer clear of things that grieve Him.

Relationship is key to living in abundance as believers. We can be saved, and even go to Heaven without ever having real relationship with God. But, by doing that we miss out on so much here on earth that we could have had.

Living an abundant life requires growth. In other words, with the absence of growth, there will absence of abundance.

What about all of those scriptures in the Bible that promise abundance to believers? Is it untruth if you're saved and you're not experiencing abundance? Of course not. The Bible is one-hundred percent true, even the scriptures that make us uncomfortable.

If you're a believer in lack in any area of your life, the first thing we can look into is your words. Biblically, it says we can have whatever we say we can have. Words are one way that we receive abundance or lack- what we say has power- it is seed in the ground (Proverbs 18:21 and basically the entire book of James).

Additionally, we can search our hearts for pursuit of growth. Where are we actually putting forth some effort to grow? It is God's will that we grow wholly: spiritually, mentally + emotionally, and physically. If we are spending money we don't have, not reading our Bibles, never listening to Bible teachers or mentors who encourage fighting battles in our minds, or never moving our bodies, then we are not pursuing growth for our whole person.

I know it can seem daunting, especially to a busy mama, to have a growth mindset and start making these changes, but quite frankly, it's essential for now and for the future. We want our kids to live a happy and healthy life and have wholeness in Jesus- that relationship starts with us.

I started pursuing growth about 8 years ago when I found myself in a very stagnant place. I wasn't doing anything to grow, and my life showed it. Since then, the Holy Spirit taught me simple and effective strategies to pursue growth every single day- even as a busy mom and puppy mom.😉

Abundance is there if we want it, my friend, but we have to go after it.

If you find yourself where I was 8 years ago in a very dormant season of life, it's time to grow roots, which will then produce sprouts, and eventually, a beautiful lively plant that won't be easily shaken when the storms come.

Starting March 1st, I have a 30-day growth challenge for moms happening, and I would love for you to be a part! Click here to learn more about it, and join us for a huge kickstart in your growth journey.

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