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3 Basic Nutrition Principles That Work For Anyone

We need to prioritize health over what we look like.

Working out + eating well is not about body image- at least it shouldn’t be.

This is about long life, feeling good in our own skin, and being here to live out God’s incredible plans for our future.

We can all agree that these are truths, yes?

Let’s get practical… fitness and wellness isn’t cookie cutter. A plan that works for one may not work for the other. We live different lives, we have different families, schedules, and gut microbiome (individual makeup of one’s gut).

When God created the body, He did an absolute miracle! The body is so complex, and sometimes, learning how to treat it well can seem complex, too, but it doesn’t have to be.

Jesus left the earth giving us a great gift, the Holy Spirit. He can lead you + guide you to the right person or resource that will help you get your health on track!

To get you started, here are 3 basic nutrition principles that will work for anyone:

  1. Have veggies with your meals. This might seem super basic, but if we really look at our day, most of us aren’t getting in the veggies we need. If you struggle with the taste of veggies, (I used to!) try an air fryer recipe with lots of great seasoning.

  2. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water EVERY SINGLE DAY! Our bodies love water, and it will love you back when you start tracking your water intake + giving it what it really needs to thrive.

  3. Incorporate 4-5 different plants into your diet each day. This might seem like a challenge, but if you’re eating fruits + veggies, it shouldn’t be hard to do! You might be surprised at how many you’re getting in already.

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